I think though, that it's the songs themselves that are the real strength of this album. It is a cohesive album where nothing sounds out of place, and yet might be unpredictable enough in places to interest fans of progressive blues and rock.
Sadly Sid Rumpo didn't make another record. Why, is anybody's guess but after this First Offence - maybe Elliot got time off for "good behaviour". He must have done something right, because mint vinyl copies of the album are fetching almost $200 at some online auctions. (via Voodoo-chile @ midoztouch.com)
"To cut a long story short, we were very successful in Perth. We were lucky to have three of us who were constantly writing songs; Bob, Ken and myself. We played a lot of gigs and I think opened up the rock scene in Perth to the extent that more venues were booking more rock bands. We won a Hoadley's Battle Of The Bands (not too sure if I should have mentioned that), and in November 1972 we moved to Melbourne to try out in the 'big smoke'." (John Hood, guitar)
alt. link
Sid Rumpo - Spotlight
mirror: http://sharebee.com/37951172
Hello crotchbat
Nice Album,a vew good songs
Thanks for share
don`t need this to d/l because it is in top 5 aussie albums..needs to be heard a few times before it becomes a needed collectable in your or anyones collection
great post mate
What a pity this album is not available on CD. A classic
I love this album - lucky for me I have both original Vinyl and CD versions (some record shops have no idea of the value what they put in their "specials" bin...).
Agreed this album is wonderful. I have had it on vinyl since release. I would like to get it on CD and missed the only opportunity years ago. Anyone have a share? FLAC preferred.
@Big Elektrik - hey friend, I don't have a FLAC version but I'd be happy to re-up this for you if you'd like.
This album, actually titled 'First Offense' is now back on CD with three bonus tracks, two including original guitarist and harmonica player, John Hood.
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